On 10/10/2017 6:54 AM, Steve Smith wrote:
IF the code to handle CC=1 is there, then you are right.

There was no such code, but that would be a case where "above board" use of ACONTROL OPTABLE with surrounding PUSH/POP would be condoned. As we raise our hardware minimums, we scan for ACONTROL OPTABLE use and remove them as necessary. (We do similar things as we raise our operating system minimums as well. We look for SYSSTATE, testing of CVTOSLVL bits, etc. and remove code path bifurcation where it makes sense to do so.)

To be clear, ORGing back over an instruction to change it is not (nor will it ever be) allowed by our policies! It's clearly subversive!

Phoenix Software International
Edward E. Jaffe
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245

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