On 2018-04-23, at 01:41:27, Jonathan Scott wrote:

> We are aware of various limitations with 20-bit support in USING,
> including dependent USING, which were previously discussed on this
> list in 2012.
> A workaround for this specific case is to subtract some value from both
> addresses so that the matching offset lies within the 12-bit addressable
> range, for example as follows:
> USING TinyArea-4000,Byte-4000
Is there any limit to that offset?  Might one use:
  USING TinyArea-4000000,Byte-4000000
> It would have been possible for HLASM to provide a simple fix for the
> 20-bit dependent USING case but we were holding it back because we felt
> that compatibility considerations could limit our options for a more
> general solution which was being designed at the time, but which never
> got approved because of concerns that it would require incompatible
> changes to the USING headers, the USING map and the corresponding ADATA
> records.
The hardware folks have freedom to provide new addressing modes with
larger reach at their whim.  For HLASM to enforce limits at USING
time is shortsighted.  Only base-displacement should perform such

And IIRC I've posted here a case where HLASM allows a base-displacement
resolution which is unconditionally incorrect in AMODE 64 and algebraically
incorrect in AMODE 31 or 24.  I believe this is due to ignoring an
overflow.  HLASM should report the error and users should accept that
(extremely improbable) code relying on the loophole is incorrect.

-- gil

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