On 25 June 2018 at 21:49, Phil Smith III <li...@akphs.com> wrote:

> Seriously, l like it and would use it. I'd prefer it not be tied to USING
> because there are other reasons to not use a register (I think; can't come
> up with any offhand, but I feel like there are?). Maybe:

If you are traversing a linked-list of control blocks (e.g.), you might
validly modify a USING register that points to a DSECT of that control

JCL is the buggy whip of 21st century computing.  Stabilize it.
Put Pipelines in the z/OS base.  Would you rather process data one
character at a time (Unix/C style), or one record at a time?
IBM has been looking for an HLL for program products; REXX is that language.

On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 4:11 PM, Rob van der Heij <rvdh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 25 June 2018 at 21:49, Phil Smith III <li...@akphs.com> wrote:
> >
> > Seriously, l like it and would use it. I'd prefer it not be tied to USING
> > because there are other reasons to not use a register (I think; can't
> come
> > up with any offhand, but I feel like there are?). Maybe:
> >
> > I suppose there are plenty of cases outside the USING where it is harmful
> to modify a register. Don't forget the base register, for those who don't
> write baseless yet. And reading the value from the wrong register can also
> keep you entertained for a while. I find these bugs mostly get in when I go
> back and change the original choice of registers because it appears handy
> to pick another one.
> Quite often the USING remains valid but the register points to another
> object. I can see how you would put the USING and DROP within the loop when
> the pointer is incremented. When you're picking up the next pointer from a
> chain, you end up having to quality the field outside the USING scope
> again. If anything, I would want tie this to the static nesting scope or
> block structure rather than manually having to free up the protection.
> Instead of having this done during assembly, you could also have it as a
> post-processing on the LISTING or ADATA. I inherited something that goes
> through the assembly listing and frowns at known concerns.Personally, I
> don't think this one is highest on my facepalm list.
> Rob

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