> I've never had the slightest need to use the labels generated in the 
MF=L form. Who does?  They're not documented.  I'll grant that they can 
probably be considered self-documenting, but is there a reasonable 
guarantee the labels won't be changed in a new release?  The MF=E 
expansions don't use them (thank goodness), ...
The doc (and Peter Relson) seem to say they can and should be used that 

I'm not positive which "that way" referred to. I don't think I said that 
the labels produced by the list form ought to be used. The interface is 
the macro. Anything else is not supported (but might well work). 

... so what are they for? Macros that I have had occasion to reference the 
parmlist for (ATTACH comes to mind), have a perfectly good DSECT macro 
that I can use when I need it.

As long as you don't mind being in unsupported territory. The IEZATTCH and 
IEZATTCX macros are not programming interfaces.

I'd prefer staying with tradition and coding its name in column
one, for legibility.

FWIW, I suppose that you could code
if you must (but the "two labels" would have to be unique)

For the list form, you would land with

It's great that the new MF=L macros do not require initialization but is
"which ones" documented anywhere? I tend to use a "model" scheme for
I cannot imagine anyone trying to make (let alone be willing to keep up to 
date) a list of "which ones". I could imagine there being a sentence on 
individual macros saying that the list form need not be used as a "model" 
(or whatever wording seems suitable). In practice, if the list form 
supports no keywords other than PLISTVER, it need not be used as a model. 
In practice, any time that the execute form defaults to "COMPLETE", e.g. 
MF=(E,mylist,COMPLETE), the list form need not be used as a model -- 
because "COMPLETE" means that the entire parameter area is to be 

I notice that for older macros with "M=L" the parameter
descriptions are in table form; for newer macros with "MF=(L,list addr)"
the descriptions are in outline form.
I'm not sure what you mean here. Could you provide an example? I think of 
the syntax diagram being a table (when it's not RR-track), but the 
parameter descriptions being textual. And of course for list form itself, 
those with MF=(L,list addr) support only PLISTVER or no keywords at all.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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