On Thu, 27 Jan 2022 08:05:32 -0800, Ed Jaffe <edja...@phoenixsoftware.com> 

>On 1/27/2022 6:24 AM, Tony Thigpen wrote:
>> The answer seems to be that, while not fully known, if one of the
>> literals is present, the called program can safely know that they have
>> at least the x'08' to x'7F' are to start double-word registers. Do you
>> at least agree to that conclusion?
>Whaaaat?! You're saying that you want to depend on what a previous
>callee put at +4 to determine something about the length of the >caller's save 
>area? That makes no sense!

It is easy to get confused, isn't it? +4 is set by the program that 
obtained the save area, not the programs that use it.

>Why must we have these "Rube Goldberg" discussions in the first 
>place? Can't we just follow the linkage conventions as documented 
>and leave it at that?

I agree.

If you want your program to be called by existing programs that 
you have no control over, and don't know how big a save area they 
provide, you assume they provided only a 72-byte save area. 
Otherwise, part of your program specifications is the size of save 
area you require.

Tom Marchant

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