There is an address of next save area but no ALET of next save area. How does 
that work?

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List [ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU] on behalf 
of Tom Marchant []
Sent: Wednesday, February 2, 2022 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: Saving Caller's 64-bit Registers

On Tue, 1 Feb 2022 22:36:48 -0500, Tony Thigpen <> wrote:

>I have reread and reread it. If what Michael seems to be saying is
>true, then your charts are wrong. But(!), I think your charts are
>right and Michael's wording is giving me problems. I thought I
>had this all worked out until Michael's 1/31/22, 16:37 (EST) post
>where he said:

Michael had one thing wrong, and I have also been  writing it wrong
in this discussion. That is that a program that uses F7SA format can
allocate any size save area that it wants. That is wrong, and I will try
to explain why.

When a program that alters access registers receives control, it needs
to save AR13 and the ASC mode. It is not good enough to save these
in the caller's (216-byte) save area, because, when it is ready to return
to its caller, it needs to restore AR13 and the ASC mode in order to
address the caller's save area. So the ASC mode and AR13 are stored
in the new save area, just as the caller's R13 is stored in the new save
area. For a standard 72-byte save area, R13 is stored at offset 4. For
F4SA, F5SA, F7SA and F8SA, R13 is stored at offset x'80' of the new
save area.

>"I put F7SA in word1 (not F4SA!) because I saved the caller's registers
>in the caller provided save area in that format."

In Michael's example, he had program A calling program B and
passing it a 216-byte save area, because that is the requirement of
program B. Program B saves program A's registers and access
registers (except for R13 and AR13) in the save area that program A
provided. Program B obtains a new save area, sets F7SA in the new
save area, and saves R13 and AR13 in the new save area, along with
program A's ASC mode.

So program B in Michael's example cannot allocate a 144-byte save
area if it is truly using F7SA format. But when B calls C, if C doesn't
need to change the Access Registers, it can use F4SA and mark his
new save area with F4SA, even if C obtains a 216-byte save area for
the programs that it calls.

>I wish you would update some of your charts with colored slots using:
>Red, slots filled in by caller when he allocated the space.
>Green, slots filled in by callee when he first gets control.

If I do something like that, it would have to be more like:
Red, filled in by program A
Green, filled in by program B
Blue, filled in by program C

Tom Marchant

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