On Mon, 14 Feb 2022 12:36:34 -0500, Dave Clark <dlcl...@winsupplyinc.com> wrote:

>"IBM Mainframe Assembler List" <ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> wrote on
>02/14/2022 12:05:20 PM:

>        Why would I get S0C7 due to an invalid sign when I'm using PKA
>(not PACK) which ignores the original sign altogether and forces a
>standard positive sign on output?

You wouldn't get a S0C7 because of a bad sign after PKA, but you could get a 
S0C7 because of bad digits.

>> - just EDMK it and place the sign(depending on the results of the
>> previous tests) where ever it needs to be.
>        I can't do that because I'm using a generic, reusable routine to
>convert binary to zoned and it can't see the original record data.  It
>only sees the data I pass to it in a 64-bit register.  So the passed data
>has to already have the correct sign.

I'm confused. Are you passing zoned data in a register? Or the address of zoned 
data? Or perhaps a binary number?

Tom Marchant

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