Several years ago at SHARE, I did a presentation on various requests for new 
architecture. Such an instruction to determine accessibility was at the top of 
the list. So, I dragged out an architecture instruction template and designed 
one on the spot:  Given a base register, index register, and long displacement 
using a standard RXY instruction format, set a condition code to indicate 
whether the access caused an exception. 

Oh, plus programming note 1: This instruction is absolutely useless!

Upon reflection,  my proposed PN#1 was not totally accurate.  If you happened 
to be running in a non-virtual environment such as OS/MFT, things would work 
just swell. But for any OS that uses paging to present a virtual address space 
to the user, only the OS knows the answer to this question. So, you need to use 
an OS service to make the determination.

As an alternative to setting up an ESPIE environment, you might want to 
consider transactional execution (TX, available on the z12 and up). In addition 
to its multiprocessing lock elision features, TX also provides an easy means 
for an application to do speculative execution by evading certain 
program-interruption conditions. For example:
         TBEGIN TDB,2
         JNZ   ABORTED
         ... speculatively access data.
If the code branches to the ABORTED label, a transaction diagnostic block is 
stored (except for CC1), and the program can determine what exception condition 
caused the abort and whether recovery is likely without OS intervention. See 
the TX section of Chapter 5 for more details.

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