On Sat, 5 Mar 2022 09:44:41 -0300 João Reginato <jb.regin...@gmail.com> wrote:

:>Which is the best instruction to test if a virtual address is still valid to
:>avoid an unexpected S0C4?

There have been multiple answers regarding a technique. I would question the
business case for this.

The obvious case is a higher authority routine (SVC/PC-supervisor state/system
key eligible) accepting an address on behalf of a problem state program. The
code in that case should access the storage using the key of the caller and
let the chips fall where they may. Why do you care if there is an abend?

If you are writing a storage snooping program, you would need to determine key
if the storage can be resolved.

Finally, unless the appropriate system locks (MVS) and there is proper
disablement, the same query asked a few instructions later may get a different

Binyamin Dissen <bdis...@dissensoftware.com>

Director, Dissen Software, Bar & Grill - Israel

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