
yes - we were saying the same thing. It seems I formulated too concise.

I always find it difficult to strike a proper balance between boring
to death with lengthy and detailed explanations on the one hand,
and short concise descriptions on the other ...

At least Joao can now go ahead and sole his problem.

Thanks for expanding on my answer ;-)

Kind regards,

Op 03/04/2022 om 23:39 schreef Charles Mills:
> I didn't realize it reading your answer, Abe, until after I wrote mine, but 
> yes, I think I am saying the same thing you said.
> Charles
> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List [mailto:ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU] 
> On Behalf Of Abe Kornelis
> Sent: Sunday, April 3, 2022 12:29 PM
> Subject: Re: Weird location counter
> Joao,
> from what I see it appears that the assembler thinks you have an active
> with R13 pointing to the location where the S-con of D000 appears,
> offset 2AA4 in the listing.
> I see you do have an ASMA303W indicating overlapping USING ranges.
> You do have the active USINGS in the page header, so an additional EJECT
> just before the PATCH_AREA might help you to pinpoint the problem.

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