I almost wrote a "GENDCB" function. My motivation was a little different. I
wanted something that could be called from a higher level language (so that
one could then implement functions not supported natively by the language
library, such as better BPAM support).

I ended up wimping out and just building a tiny subset that generated the
specific DCB I wanted -- copied from a model, really.

I considered a couple of approaches, one of them being invoking HLASM and
the binder dynamically.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List [mailto:ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU]
On Behalf Of Willy Jensen
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2022 10:05 AM
Subject: SV: Assembler courses

Even so, I did eventually write a macro to handle DCBs from a 31-bit
program. The macro does GEN, MOD, OPEN, CLOSE, GET, PUT and EXPOSE with
dynamically allocated storage. GET and PUT can determine whether the dataset
is FB or VB and read or write data accordingly, aka PL/I GET/PUT DATA (as I
recall). While perhaps minor, it does make my coding a bit simpler. Plus it
was fun to do, though I probably spent more time developing it than I will
ever save having it.

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