These were my parms

No Overriding ASMAOPT Parameters                                          
Overriding Parameters-  OBJ,ADATA,SYSPARM(DEBUG),GOFF                     
No Process Statements                                                     
 ASMA434N GOFF/XOBJECT option specified, option LIST(133) will be used    

These were the messages generated

29C                00000000 000002BA   2946 GETMAC#C CSECT ,

000                00000000 00000004   2948 M_WSA    CATTR
000                                    2949          DS    0D

MA500W Requested alignment exceeds section alignment

MA435I Record 334 in JOER.TEST.SOURCE(GETMACIN) on volume: JOEABC

000 00000000                           2950 @1indexptr DC  (4)X'00'

000                00000000 0000000E   2952 M_WSA    CATTR

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List <ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> On
Behalf Of Jonathan Scott
Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 7:02 AM
Subject: Re: External symbol record for CATTR

Joseph Reichman <> wrote:
> I just compiled a Metal C program and generated sysadata
> I see a number CATTR assembler instructions There are 0030 records but 
> I dont see 0020 external symbol records for the CATTR

CATTR normally generates an element definition (ED, 03) ESD entry for the
specified element name.  If PART is specified it will generate a part
definition (PR, 07) ESD entry instead.

Note that if you do not specify GOFF, CATTR statements will be quietly
ignored, as documented:

   Syntax Checking Only: If you code a CATTR instruction but do
   not specify the GOFF or XOBJECT option, the assembler checks
   the syntax of the instruction statement and does not process
   the attributes.

Jonathan Scott, HLASM
IBM Hursley, UK

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