On 2/9/23 08:06:41, Jonathan Scott wrote:
gil writes:
Thanks.  Will this, by clarification, relax restrictions on the use
of ASCII self-defining terms, such as:

           MVI   L,CA'x'

ASCII and Unicode self-defining terms have been supported in
assembly expressions since PI89365 in 2017.  With the latest fix
PH50915 they are also supported in conditional assembly (macro)

It may have been prior to 2017, but I recall a thread here about failure
of such as:
         CLI   L,CA'['
         CLI   L,CA'¥'

The riposte was, WAD; the behavior could not be made predictable because of
variation among code pages.  Was this fixed by PI89365?

Can library macros have different CCSID from open code or each other?
Does HLASM respect CCSID tagging of z/OS UNIX files and macros?


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