On 3/15/23 09:37:42, Dave Clark wrote:

"IBM Mainframe Assembler List" <ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> wrote on
03/15/2023 10:51:47 AM:
That happens to me if I leave the END statement blank with no
entry point specified.

If there are two or more END statements, which dominates?

I should have asked more clearly, If two or more END statements, both contain
expressions, which dominates, primacy or recency?

(Yes, that's a Binder question, not Assembler.)

     ....  They, of course,
got linked together as a single module but the entry point for the module
was the 2nd-level subroutine -- completely bypassing the 1st-level

Exactly as documented.


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