These days disks are virtualized. I think the unit is the track.  Two
"adjacent" tracks from a data set perspective could be on different PC
sized disks in the disk subsystem.  The "disks" are usually irrelevant as
the data is usually in cache!.
These days a "defrag" equivalent might be to free unused space in an over
allocated dataset.

On Mon, 7 Aug 2023 at 23:06, Jon Perryman <> wrote:

> > On Thu, 20 Jul 2023 at 09:01, Rob van der Heij <>
> wrote:
> > It would be interesting to see your evidence of IBM Z not performing
> well with Linux.
> Linux on z performs better than Linux on most other hardware. My point is
> that Linux wastes much of z hardware.
> Since I haven't seen Linux on z, I have to make some assumptions. It's
> probably fair to say the Linux filesystem still uses block allocation.
> Let's say it's a 10 disk filesystem and 100 people are writing 1 block
> repeatedly at the same time. After each writes 10 blocks, where are the 10
> blocks for a specific user. In z/OS you know exactly where those blocks
> would be in the file. If you read that file are these blocks located
> sequentially. While the filesystem can make a few decisions, it's nothing
> close to the planning provided by SMS, HSM, SRM and other z/OS tools. Like
> MS Windows disks, Linux filesystems can benefit from defrag.  Also consider
> when Linux needs more CPUs than available. Clustering must be implemented
> on Linux to increase the number of CPU which does not share the filesystem.
> In z/OS, a second box has full access to all files because of Sysplex.
> I'm sure IBM has made improvements but some design limitations will be
> difficult to resolve without the correct tools. For instance,  can DB2 for
> Linux on z share a database across multiple z frames. It's been a while
> since I last looked but DB2 for z/OS was used because it outperformed DB2
> for Linux on z.

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