
Assp was on version .5.00 when it was leaking 2Mb/min. Just switched  
to .5.09 today. Clamav is off (and has never been on).
We'll see how .09 does.
The server is a very lightly loaded system, about 2 emails a minute  
with only 3 users.
I'm spending more sysadmin time on this Assp server than non-Assp  
servers with 1000's of users because of the random crash (which seem  
to be when free memory < 70 Meg).

When running a 1Gb linux system, do you still restart Assp every day  
or can you let Assp run for months and months?


On Oct 30, 2009, at 3:49 AM, Thomas Eckardt/eck wrote:

> Alan,
>> I using a version 2
> what version ?
>> At 05:03:39 Nagios reported free memory was 71M
>> Next alert at 05:39:39 - 436 MB of free memory
> So assp has used ~365 MB - this is an expected minimum value. Havy  
> load
> systems are running at 1 GB RAM (or even more - depending on the
> configuration).
> Thomas

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