Hi all,

I come across some questions around Postgres and ASSP. 

The documentation says I need an existing file assp_db_import.cfg in ASSP
root directory. The file I found at
http://www.iworld.de/homes/assp/ASSP-V2-Downloads has version 1.3.6 . I
guess this has nothing to do with ASSP' version.

-          As far as I can tell, ASSP needs this file only when bulk
importing data into an SQL database, 

or does ASSP always rely on SQL statements defined in here?

-          With Mysql ASSP does an "INSERT IGNORE INTO", which is not
available with Postgres.

-          There is no "Pg" line in that file. Would Postgres be
sufficiently covered by the "SQL92" template?




Dirk Kulmsee


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