Hi Greyhat and all.

First thanks again for your nice support!

Sorry for the delay I was extremely busy working for that company I run 
assp for.
As 80% of the received mails don't get stuck @localLDAPdomain, I 
postponed this issue..
But yesterday they started to notice that some important mails were 
delayed very much.

Now I know what the problem was.. assp does a vrfy upon receive, but 
sendmail vrfies all address as being valid.. dumb me.. I'll need to look 
into this.

But what's far more important:

while I'm running assp with these settings, I STILL get worker's stuck..
Last one was  "localLDAPdomain - maps.google.de (stuck)"

How is that possible?

LDAP is not configured, server field is empty, LDAP Database is empty, 
ldLDAP and DoLDAP isn't checked!

thank you lots and lots for your help!!

Have a nice weekend!


On 03/16/2010 06:31 PM, GrayHat wrote:
>> the correct format for LocalDomains is the above one;
>> that is no "@" nor "*" as for the address_flat, I'd suggest
>> you to AVOID it and instead use VRFY to check for the
> Just to be more clear
> Add all the domains ASSP will handle one on each line
> inside the "LocalDomains" file which should look like
> foo.com=>mail.foo.com:2525
> bar.net=>smtp.bar.net:25
> baz.org=>mx.baz.org:225
> where btw the hostname (or IP) after the "=>" is the SMTP
> which will be used to "VRFY" incoming email recipients
> and the port is the port on which such server is listening;
> next, empty the "localaddressflat" file, remove anything
> from the ASSP entry for that and appy, then ensure to
> check the "DoVRFY" option and the "DisableVRFY"
> one and btw ensure that the mailservers defined above
> and used for VRFY *are* in effect accepting VRFY/EXPN
> commands
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