Thank you all for your replies.

I think I am going to go with the built-in feature.

No need to make things more complicated.

However, I will have a thorough look at "monit".

Thank you all again for your time,


On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 12:27 PM, Fritz Borgstedt <> wrote:
> ASSP development mailing list <>
> schreibt:
>>I use monit to watch ASSP.
> ASSP 1.9.9 has a builtin watchdog.
> Section: Automatic Update / Restart:
> -Enable Watchdog (EnableWatchdog)
> -Restart/Kill after this many Seconds (WatchdogHeartBeat)
>  -Kill & Restart (WatchdogRestart)
> Enabling this will ask the Watchdog to restart ASSP, disabling this
> will only kill ASSP. AutoRestartCmd must be configured.
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