>but it´s also possible that the Priority of one Plugin cross another 
plugin per default settings?
No - you can check this in the GUI - the default value is shown moving the 
cursor over the description - for example (ASSP_AFCPriority).

Don't know what happens. 
Make sure, that only used plugins are in the 'Plugins' folder.
Make sure that only one version (3 or 4) of the AFC plugin is in the 
'Plugins' folder.
Make sure, that no Plugin is anywhere located in a Perl library path (eg. 
the 'lib' folder or the root of assp).
If anything changed, restart assp.
Set the priority back to the defaults, starting with the lowest priority.
The priority value is not important, only the numeric order. So, you may 
also setup values like 50,60,70,80,90 for example

Razor 7

restart assp
check the startup log


Von:    Martin Voßloh <martin.voss...@mhp.com>
An:     ASSP development mailing list <assp-test@lists.sourceforge.net>
Datum:  07.01.2016 09:16
Betreff:        Re: [Assp-test] ASSP :: Enable the 8BITMIME :: wrong text


Sorry again, but it´s also possible that the Priority of one Plugin cross 
another plugin per default settings?

The Razor plugin has now the priority 14 on my site.



Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] ASSP version 2.4.8(16004) (Perl 5.018002) (on 
linux) initializing 
Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] Info: try loading plugin ASSP_AFC
Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] ASSP_AFC: Plugin successful called!
Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] Info: plugin ASSP_AFC version 3.19 loaded for 
runlevel (2) - 'complete mail' - priority 9.
Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] Info: try loading plugin ASSP_OCR
Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] ASSP_OCR: Plugin successful called for 
runlevel 'complete mail' using PDF::OCR2!
Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] Info: plugin ASSP_OCR version 2.20 loaded for 
runlevel (2) - 'complete mail' - priority 12.
Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] Info: try loading plugin ASSP_Razor
Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] ASSP_Razor: Plugin successful called!
Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] Error: plugin ASSP_Razor version 1.09 
(located at /usr/share/assp/Plugins/ASSP_Razor.pm) request runlevel 
priority (9) for runlevel (2), which overlaps with the priority 
configuration of the previous loaded Plugin ASSP_AFC (located at 
/usr/share/assp/Plugins/ASSP_AFC.pm). The priority for the Plugin 
ASSP_Razor will be set to next available priority value.
Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] Info: plugin ASSP_Razor version 1.09 loaded 
for runlevel (2) - 'complete mail' - priority 10.
Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] Info: try loading plugin ASSP_DCC
Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] ASSP_DCC: Plugin successful called!
Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] Error: plugin ASSP_DCC version 2.01 (located 
at /usr/share/assp/Plugins/ASSP_DCC.pm) request runlevel priority (10) for 
runlevel (2), which overlaps with the priority configuration of the 
previous loaded Plugin ASSP_Razor (located at 
/usr/share/assp/Plugins/ASSP_Razor.pm). The priority for the Plugin 
ASSP_DCC will be set to next available priority value.
Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] Info: plugin ASSP_DCC version 2.01 loaded for 
runlevel (2) - 'complete mail' - priority 11.
Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] Info: try loading plugin ASSP_ARC
Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] ASSP_ARC: ARC-Plugin successful called!
Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] Error: plugin ASSP_ARC version 2.05 (located 
at /usr/share/assp/Plugins/ASSP_ARC.pm) request runlevel priority (12) for 
runlevel (2), which overlaps with the priority configuration of the 
previous loaded Plugin ASSP_OCR (located at 
/usr/share/assp/Plugins/ASSP_OCR.pm). The priority for the Plugin ASSP_ARC 
will be set to next available priority value.
Jan-07-16 08:53:23 [startup] Info: plugin ASSP_ARC version 2.05 loaded for 
runlevel (2) - 'complete mail' - priority 13.


Jan-07-16 09:04:59 [startup] ASSP version 2.4.8(16004) (Perl 5.018002) (on 
linux) initializing 
Jan-07-16 09:04:59 [startup] Info: try loading plugin ASSP_AFC
Jan-07-16 09:04:59 [startup] ASSP_AFC: Plugin successful called!
Jan-07-16 09:04:59 [startup] Info: plugin ASSP_AFC version 3.19 loaded for 
runlevel (2) - 'complete mail' - priority 9.
Jan-07-16 09:04:59 [startup] Info: try loading plugin ASSP_OCR
Jan-07-16 09:04:59 [startup] ASSP_OCR: Plugin successful called for 
runlevel 'complete mail' using PDF::OCR2!
Jan-07-16 09:04:59 [startup] Info: plugin ASSP_OCR version 2.20 loaded for 
runlevel (2) - 'complete mail' - priority 12.
Jan-07-16 09:04:59 [startup] Info: try loading plugin ASSP_Razor
Jan-07-16 09:04:59 [startup] ASSP_Razor: Plugin successful called!
Jan-07-16 09:04:59 [startup] Info: plugin ASSP_Razor version 1.09 loaded 
for runlevel (2) - 'complete mail' - priority 14.
Jan-07-16 09:04:59 [startup] Info: try loading plugin ASSP_DCC
Jan-07-16 09:04:59 [startup] ASSP_DCC: Plugin successful called!
Jan-07-16 09:04:59 [startup] Info: plugin ASSP_DCC version 2.01 loaded for 
runlevel (2) - 'complete mail' - priority 11.
Jan-07-16 09:04:59 [startup] Info: try loading plugin ASSP_ARC
Jan-07-16 09:04:59 [startup] ASSP_ARC: ARC-Plugin successful called!
Jan-07-16 09:04:59 [startup] Info: plugin ASSP_ARC version 2.05 loaded for 
runlevel (2) - 'complete mail' - priority 13.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Thomas Eckardt [mailto:thomas.ecka...@thockar.com] 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. Januar 2016 09:44
An: ASSP development mailing list
Betreff: Re: [Assp-test] ASSP :: Enable the 8BITMIME :: wrong text

I'll fix this today. The text is OK, but a varible is set wrong.


Von:    Martin Voßloh <martin.voss...@mhp.com>
An:     ASSP development mailing list <assp-test@lists.sourceforge.net>
Datum:  05.01.2016 09:12
Betreff:        [Assp-test] ASSP :: Enable the 8BITMIME :: wrong text


My version is assp 2.4.8 build 16004 an the option:

Enable the 8BITMIME SMTP Extension (enable8BITMIME) If enabled (default) 
assp offers and supports the 8BITMIME SMTP extension, if the connected 
peers offers and supports 8BITMIME.

Is not working in my case.

I think that you must change the text " Enable the 8BITMIME SMTP Extension 
(enable8BITMIME)" to "Disable the 8BITMIME SMTP Extension 


[UNCHECK] Enable the 8BITMIME SMTP Extension (enable8BITMIME)
*** Updated 1
If enabled (default) assp offers and supports the 8BITMIME SMTP extension, 
if the connected peers offers and supports 8BITMIME.

root@BCSW-DMZ-ALGSRV05:~# telnet 25 Trying
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mail.mhp.de ESMTP
ehlo sdfsfs
250-SIZE 75000000
250 DSN
221 2.0.0 Bye
Connection closed by foreign host.

After check:

[CHECK] Enable the 8BITMIME SMTP Extension (enable8BITMIME)
*** Updated 1
If enabled (default) assp offers and supports the 8BITMIME SMTP extension, 
if the connected peers offers and supports 8BITMIME.

root@BCSW-DMZ-ALGSRV05:~# telnet 25 Trying
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mail.mhp.de ESMTP
ehlo sdf
250- mailer.domain.de
250-SIZE 75000000
250 DSN
221 2.0.0 Bye
Connection closed by foreign host.

Thanks for your great work.


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