I added a bit.  Confirm that this is correct?  (see bold)

  This feature replaces the above level definitions. If at least one valid
regular (not zip:...) attachment blocking rule is defined here, all level
definitions are ignored for all emails, *regardless of direction!  This
means that if, for example, only a good-out *
*definition exists for a user, the level definitions for any email sent OR
*be ignored.  Only having a good-out defined for a user means that this
user will only be able*
*to send files matching that good-out definition, will not be able to send
any other kinds of*
*file, but will have no block-in definition, so any attachment type can be
sent to that user.  To have the*
*level rules apply for a user in UserAttach, the level rule entries need to
be copied into userattach for each user.*

Also, still outstanding, if .dll is blocked in level 1 and the AFC plugin
is used, shouldn't a .dll within a .zip be blocked?

On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 9:34 AM, Thomas Eckardt <thomas.ecka...@thockar.com>

> This is the new GUI description for UserAttach - not much changed - but
> more clear.
>   To define entries you have to use the 'file:...' option. Define one
> entry per line - comments are not allowed in a definition line.
>   The syntax of an entry is as follows:
>   username => good => goodAttachRegex , good-out => goodoutRegex , good-in
> => goodinRegex , block => blockAttachRegex , block-out => blockoutRegex ,
> block-in => blockinRegex
>   username - Mail solely to or from any of these addresses. Accepts
> specific addresses (u...@domain.com), user parts (user) or entire domains
> (@domain.com) or a Group definition [GROUP]. Wildcards are supported
> (fribo*@domain.com).
>   good => goodAttachRegex - good attachment for incoming and outgoing
> mails
>   good-out => goodoutRegex - good attachment for outgoing mails
>   good-in => goodinRegex - good attachment for incoming mails
>   block => blockAttachRegex - bad attachment for incoming and outgoing
> mails
>   block-out => blockoutRegex - bad attachment for outgoing mails
>   block-in => blockinRegex - bad attachment for incoming mails
>   For example:
>   u...@domain.tld => good =>
> ai|asc|bhx|dat|doc|eps|gif|htm|html|ics|jpg|jpeg|hqx|od[tsp]|pdf|ppt|rar|rpt|rtf|snp|txt|xls|zip
>   *@domain.tld => good => ai|asc|bhx , good-out => eps|gif , good-in =>
> htm|html , block => pdf|ppt , block-out => rar|rpt , block-in =>
> xls|exe\-bin
>   At least one of the above option must be defined in a line - a maximum
> of all (six) could be defined, if this makes sense.
>   This feature replaces the above level definitions. If at least one valid
> regular (not zip:...) attachment blocking rule is defined here, all level
> definitions are ignored for all emails!
>   The defined blocking rules for the sender and the first envelope
> recipient are combined together using an OR logic.
>   good, good-out and good-in - and also - block, block-out and block-in -
> will be logical OR combined according to the mail flow.
>   Notice: if a bad attachment is found on a user based attachment check,
> the penalty box IP address scoring is skipped.
> Thomas
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