> The spf check failed, because the remote service (icloud in this
> case) used the reply-to field, to specify the user's own address

the SPF check, if I'm not wrong, checks the "MAIL FROM" (that is the
*envelope* from), so, if the "iWhatever" is screwing things, you can't
blame it for doing what it HAS to do; also, and since we're at it

> ASSP checks the spf records of the domain of the user against
> the ip address the icloud service uses.

which is totally CORRECT; the ASSP sees an incoming email from a given
IP address so it checks if that IP address is allowed to send a message
on the behalf of a given domain, then, if iCloud is forwarding emails
and isn't using SRS it's THEIR fault, so blame them, not ASSP


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