Miles Gaynor wrote:
> Does anyone know why is shown as a reason for the email being spam?
> I've included the less private parts of the headers.

I'm guessing any hit on uribl in ASSP's view is considered a hit.  But,
according to uribl, is on the URIBL White List and the
description is:

** - This list contains legit domain names that we do not
want to show up on any other URIBL lists. This list is pretty static,
with only a handful of changes per day. URIBL white is not currently
bitmasked into If you want to query it, you have to
send a seperate query. This zone rebuilds as needed.

According to the above, you have to specifically query it.  Also,
looking at my uribls.txt, I've specifically remarked out  Probably too many false positives.


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