On 27 August 2012 22:22, Glenn Fowler <g...@research.att.com> wrote:
> I took a quick look and iconv(1) does look like a good candidate for -lcmd
> it would just need an sh signal check in the inner file loop

Could you add this for the next alpha/beta or what comes next, please?
I personally ran afoul of the lack of iconv this night on almost 70 of
our machines and DO have a grudge against that thing.

> On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 00:47:03 +0200 Lionel Cons wrote:
>> Glenn, it may be useful to add iconv to libcmd. We figured (after
>> comments in the main XML development list [xml-...@lists.xml.org]) it
>> might be useful for XML processing in case we encounter UCS2 or UCS4
>> encoded XML documents (for example originating from Windows) but the
>> platform does not have iconv installed.
>> Lionel
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