On Wed, 27 Apr 2005, Preston Garrison wrote:

> Before you start babbling, i think you need to find yourself more
> educated. a PRI in a datacenter will run you less then $400 per month,
> it will provide you with 24 channels, with NO PER MINUTE fee. Lets see
> that's less then $20 a month, and you can receive and place as many
> calls as you like.
I think the OP was referring to per-minute fees on outbound.
>   Secondly we are using VOIP here people, just because Digium makes some
> of these handy pri cards, why the hell would you even use one. If you
> can get the volume you connect direct to sprint, l3, GBLX, xo, and tons
> of other providers via SIP. There is no per channel fee, and their is no
> limit on what you can do. In fact if you want to pay less then $10 per
> channel, you can get unlimited channels from L3 as well, which allows
> you basically unlimited inbound and outbound calling, again with NO PER
Nobody will do unlimited channels.

>   Now i understand not everyone has the volume to go direct, but pick 
> one of the thousands of VOIP providers out there, that do go direct, 
> and get yourself no limits. VOIPs 1.2c/minute seems pretty expensive if 
> you are going to start adding in a monthly fee just to place a call. 
> That $10/month is almost 1000 minutes of usage at their 1.2c rate, 
> which i doubt most people even use. Which means if you do use 1000 
> minutes, you are actually paying $.024 cents a minute. All this and you 
> get to be with a provider that doesn't have the most glowing reviews.

>   This is not a bash on VOIP, because I think they are trying hard to
> get decent products to their consumers. This is more a bash on all you
> stupid, uneducated, asterisk users out there, who are dumb enough to
> fall for the 1.2c a minute rate, and think that's not only what you are
> really paying, but also expect some guy to give you awesome support as
> well.
Ahhhahah. You made my day.


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