steve szmidt wrote:

I would never pay it. Additional connection fee?! Why not just continue to search for some other provider that will not take 5c off the top from you? They are getting the local call rates are they not? (As I can see them wanting something for their trouble.) That should be enough.

Without far more details, nobody can really say whether this is a good deal or not. For example, if you are purchasing PRIs from them, with the intent of using them for outbound purposes only (i.e. they will not be receiving any inbound revenue for your PRIs) and they are charging you 5c per call with no monthly cost for the PRIs themselves, then this might be an OK deal. That's assuming you have a reasonably long 'average call length', and are not a telemarketing call center placing 95% unanswered calls.

But just saying 'is 5c per call reasonable' is really a pointless question, since there are obviously other factors to consider.
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