Michael Giagnocavo wrote:
>>The only individuals who should be concerned with encryption IMHO are:
>>Those with something to hide or who are conduction communications or a 
>>sensitive nature.  In the context of a business environment I would not 
>>necessarily want someone riding my bandwidth or listening in, but it's 
>>way at the bottom of the list of things that keep me up at night.
> Well, I think most people would like to hide their banking and credit card
> information. Leaving your network open to anyone wanting to plug in just
> makes it that much easier... (Then again, its probably easier to just send
> someone a Trojan renamed to "Coolpicsofu.exe".)

Only problem is, the cordless technology that is being replaced has no
security whatsoever.

Therefore anything is better than nothing.

What would be nice is a wifi phone that could run OpenVPN and connect directly
to our VPN using 99999999999999999999bit encryption (or thereabouts).



Matt Riddell

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