On Tue, 2005-10-11 at 10:58 +0800, Dinesh Nair wrote:
> On 10/11/05 00:42 Paul said the following:
> > consider allowing a name like openasterisk or asteriskorg to be used 
> > freely in order to preserve rights for Asterisk(tm)?
> that's exactly what i suggested, to use a different brand/name for the open 
> source version.

Ahh I see what you mean, instead of asterisk business edition and just
asterisk use two totally seperate names.  That could cause more
confusion than its worth, and cause potential trademark dissolution
which would be a bad thing for digium.  Its too late to do that now at
any rate, sometimes the best plans are those created after the fact.

I originally thought you meant that openpbx should be called
openasterisk and license that name from digium.  Which seemed ...

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