You don't even deny that you are a liar or crazy.

        But you did email me again, but not to the list.

        Do not email me again.

On Mon, 2007-07-23 at 22:04 +0800, Andy Spring wrote:
> I am not crook!!!
> I can provide the what I said
> 在07-7-23,Matthew Rubenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写道: 
>                Maybe you are a trader. You are definitely a liar. And
>         so crazy that
>         you ignore every other damning fact I mentioned, that anyone
>         else has 
>         mentioned.
>                You are a crook. Do not email me again.
>         On Mon, 2007-07-23 at 21:51 +0800, Andy Spring wrote:
>         > Yes, I am a trader, the manufacture about the voip phone is
>         our
>         > partern in cooperation. 
>         >
>         > 在07-7-23,Matthew Rubenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写道:
>         >                Just some more data points, and my
>         conclusion, on our
>         >         long overdue 
>         >         review of Andy Spring:
>         >
>         >                I translated the Chinese message
>         (quoted/appended
>         >         below) that Spring
>         >         replied to Sergey, using
>         >|
>         en :
>         >
>         >
>         >
>         ---------------------------------------------------------
>         >                "老兄你可能搞错了,我之前发给你的是视频电话的
>         资料,我是
>         >         一个中间商,这没 
>         >         必要向你隐瞒,但那也不是华为的产品啊,而我现在在推我
>         们另一款带
>         >         有WIFI功能
>         >         的网络话机,我不知道你在LIST里面说那些话是什么意
>         思。"
>         >
>         =========================================================
>         >                "Bud you might mistake, I sent to you before
>         the video 
>         >         phone, I would
>         >         be a broker, It is not necessary to hide you, but
>         this is not
>         >         Huawei's
>         >         products ah, I am now pushing us to another with a
>         Wi-Fi
>         >         network 
>         >         walkie-talkie function, I do not know in your LIST
>         said those
>         >         inside
>         >         what is the meaning of words."
>         >
>         --------------------------------------------------------- 
>         >
>         >
>         >                So Spring says he never claimed it was his
>         own tech,
>         >         and that it is not
>         >         Huawei tech, too. But, according to the discussion
>         to which
>         >         Sergey 
>         >         linked, Spring did claim:
>         >
>         >                "No, it is not Huawei's ViewPoint 8220, it is
>         our
>         >         company's product."
>         >
>         >                And then Spring changes the subject back to
>         the new 
>         >         WiFi/SIP phone.
>         >
>         >                FWIW, I don't know why someone with the name
>         "Sergey",
>         >         speaking in
>         >         English on the list, with a domain
> , would
>         >         appear to be
>         >         Chinese.
>         >
>         >                I replied to a message Spring sent me last
>         week, Cc'ed
>         >         to this list, in
>         >         which he refused to answer what is the phone's CPU,
>         or what is 
>         >         the
>         >         dev/deployment env for 3rd party SW (after he agreed
>         that it
>         >         would run
>         >         3rd party SW):
>         >
> .
>         >         Spring claimed it was because I'm not a customer. My
>         reply
>         >         includes
>         >         several other long-overdue criticisms explaining why
>         I'll 
>         >         never send a
>         >         penny to Spring. Because he is a terrible
>         businessperson, and
>         >         probably a
>         >         crook. And asking if anyone had ever bought anything
>         from him,
>         >         and had 
>         >         anything good to say. Even this "Jamal from Canada"
>         Spring
>         >         claims bought
>         >         some equipment from him in China hasn't materialized
>         on the
>         >         list to say 
>         >         anything. He probably doesn't exist, except in lies
>         from
>         >         Spring.
>         >
>         >                I don't need to see any more. Spring is a
>         liar. He's a
>         >         terrible
>         >         businessperson. He seems to represent exactly the
>         kind of
>         >         Chinese
>         >         electronics dealer that is the grain of truth in the
>         >         stereotype that
>         >         they're crooks, with nothing but contempt for us,
>         their 
>         >         English speaking
>         >         "market". I wish other, honest, Chinese
>         businesspeople would
>         >         police
>         >         these people. China isn't unique in its mixed
>         reputation for 
>         >         corrupt
>         >         business, nor in the actually corrupt business that
>         the
>         >         reputation is
>         >         based on. But it is the largest, and probably the
>         most
>         >         reputable for 
>         >         that corruption (maybe after Nigeria overall, but in
>         >         electronics it's
>         >         #1). China is setting itself up to be the world's
>         factory. But
>         >         business
>         >         has to be more than an ad for cheap goods before I
>         do business 
>         >         with it.
>         >
>         >
>         >         On Mon, 2007-07-23 at 15:37 +0800, Andy Spring
>         wrote:
>         >         >
>         >         > Sergey,
>         >         >
>         >         > I think maybe you are a Chinese person, I have
>         some words to 
>         >         let you
>         >         > know also everyone in the list.
>         >         > 老兄你可能搞错了,我之前发给你的是视频电话的资料,
>         我是一个中
>         >         间商,这没
>         >         > 必要向你隐瞒,但那也不是华为的产品啊,而我现在在推
>         我们另一款
>         >         带有WIFI功 
>         >         > 能的网络话机,我不知道你在LIST里面说那些话是什么意
>         思。
>         >         >
>         >         > If you are not not Chinese, ok, I will let you
>         know in
>         >         english, I
>         >         > think you have made a mistake, the product I sent
>         you before 
>         >         is
>         >         > videophone not Voip phone with wifi and gsm, now I
>         am put
>         >         sale our new
>         >         > item which is wireless Voip phone not videophone
>         that I sent
>         >         you 
>         >         > before, I do not know what is your meaning you
>         said in the
>         >         list
>         >         >
>         >         >
>         >         >
>         >         > 2007/7/23, Sergey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>         >         >         Hello, Andy.
>         >         >
>         >         >         You wrote 21.07.2007, 17:39:23:
>         >         >
>         >         >         > I can post the details here, I thought
>         before, if 
>         >         not
>         >         >         everyone
>         >         >         > isinterested in our Wifi & GSM phone, so
>         no need
>         >         to post
>         >         >         here,
>         >         >         > because some people will think I am
>         posting spam 
>         >         and rubbish
>         >         >         here
>         >         >         > and will scold me. So I can only send
>         the details
>         >         to whom
>         >         >         with interest.
>         >         >         > 
>         >         >         >  Sergey, are you sure, our Wifi and GSM
>         voip phone
>         >         is Huawei
>         >         >         > Viewpoint 8220? have you tested our
>         sample?? NOT !
>         >         so please 
>         >         >         do not
>         >         >         > say any unreason words.
>         >         >
>         >         >         Please read carefully. Some time ago i
>         requested
>         >         info from you 
>         >         >         about
>         >         >         your SIP video phone, and you provided me
>         PDF which
>         >         contains
>         >         >         info
>         >         >         about Huawei Viewpoint 8220, although you
>         claimed it 
>         >         is your
>         >         >         own
>         >         >         development.
>         >         >
>         >         >         Dear list, here are some proof:
>         >         >
>         >         >         Our small thread with Andy: 
>         >         >
>         >         >         Andy's PDF:
>         >         >
>         >         >         Huawei 8220:
>         >         >
>         >
>         >         >
>         >         >         Andy, can you show us your site? or at
>         least some
>         >         photos of
>         >         >         your
>         >         >         products? no? why?
>         >         > 
>         >         >         > This item of our new product is
>         different
>         >         >         > Huawei Viewpoint 8220 also different
>         Nokia, it's
>         >         line is
>         >         >         with 
>         >         >         > interenet and with a very low rate. Yes,
>         maybe the
>         >         machine
>         >         >         is a
>         >         >         > little higher but the rate is very
>         cheap, it can 
>         >         only work
>         >         >         with
>         >         >         > internet, and it is worth it. Again,
>         Sergey, if
>         >         you have no
>         >         >         intend
>         >         >         > to buy any product here in this list,
>         please 
>         >         kindly do not
>         >         >         ask
>         >         >         > anyone to waste their timeto send
>         information to
>         >         you.
>         >         >         >
>         >         >         > 
>         >         >         > JR-DW1 One Page Specification
>         >         >         ...
>         >         >         <snip>
>         >         >         ...
>         >         >
>         >         >
>         >         > 
>         >         >         --
>         >         >         Best regards,
>         >         >         Sergey                          mailto:
>         >         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         >         > 
>         >         >
>         >         >
>         _______________________________________________
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>         >         >
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>         >         > --
>         >         > andy
>         >         > [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         >         > _______________________________________________
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>         >
>         >         (C) Matthew Rubenstein
>         >
>         >
>         >
>         >
>         > --
>         > andy
>         > [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         --
>         (C) Matthew Rubenstein
> -- 
> andy

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