So I expect that he has never succeeded in selling any. And that of
course the phones are not his product, or he wouldn't give up so easy.

        Which means that the product is available from someone else, probably
some other Chinese manufacturer or vendor. If it is really worth buying,
even if it is not as good as Spring said it was, then people can still
buy it.

        I just hope Spring is more honest about going away than he was about
his products while he was here.

On Mon, 2007-07-23 at 22:15 +0800, Andy Spring wrote:
> I will give up to sell this kind of product of Voip phone
> 在07-7-23,Andy Spring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写道: 
>         If I can provide what I said, so you can't say I am crook!!!
>         If you everyone do not belive me we can provide what I said,
>         so we can do not make business, but you can't say I  am
>         crook!!!!
>         Ok, goodbye, guys, do hope you all have a successful business.
>         I am sorry, I am so angry, I am angry with your bad words,
>         please do not send any mail about this issue.
>         在07-7-23,Matthew Rubenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写道: 
>                        Maybe you are a trader. You are definitely a
>                 liar. And so crazy that
>                 you ignore every other damning fact I mentioned, that
>                 anyone else has 
>                 mentioned.
>                        You are a crook. Do not email me again.
>                 On Mon, 2007-07-23 at 21:51 +0800, Andy Spring wrote:
>                 > Yes, I am a trader, the manufacture about the voip
>                 phone is our
>                 > partern in cooperation. 
>                 >
>                 > 在07-7-23,Matthew Rubenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>                 写道:
>                 >                Just some more data points, and my
>                 conclusion, on our 
>                 >         long overdue 
>                 >         review of Andy Spring:
>                 >
>                 >                I translated the Chinese message
>                 (quoted/appended
>                 >         below) that Spring
>                 >         replied to Sergey, using 
>                 >
>       |
>                 en :
>                 > 
>                 >
>                 >
>                 ---------------------------------------------------------
>                 >                "老兄你可能搞错了,我之前发给你的是视
>                 频电话的资料,我是
>                 >         一个中间商,这没 
>                 >         必要向你隐瞒,但那也不是华为的产品啊,而我现
>                 在在推我们另一款带
>                 >         有WIFI功能 
>                 >         的网络话机,我不知道你在LIST里面说那些话是什
>                 么意思。"
>                 >
>                 =========================================================
>                 >                "Bud you might mistake, I sent to you
>                 before the video 
>                 >         phone, I would 
>                 >         be a broker, It is not necessary to hide
>                 you, but this is not
>                 >         Huawei's
>                 >         products ah, I am now pushing us to another
>                 with a Wi-Fi
>                 >         network 
>                 >         walkie-talkie function, I do not know in
>                 your LIST said those 
>                 >         inside
>                 >         what is the meaning of words."
>                 >
>                 --------------------------------------------------------- 
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >                So Spring says he never claimed it
>                 was his own tech, 
>                 >         and that it is not
>                 >         Huawei tech, too. But, according to the
>                 discussion to which
>                 >         Sergey 
>                 >         linked, Spring did claim:
>                 >
>                 >                "No, it is not Huawei's ViewPoint
>                 8220, it is our 
>                 >         company's product."
>                 >
>                 >                And then Spring changes the subject
>                 back to the new 
>                 >         WiFi/SIP phone.
>                 >
>                 >                FWIW, I don't know why someone with
>                 the name "Sergey", 
>                 >         speaking in
>                 >         English on the list, with a domain
>        , would
>                 >         appear to be 
>                 >         Chinese.
>                 >
>                 >                I replied to a message Spring sent me
>                 last week, Cc'ed
>                 >         to this list, in
>                 >         which he refused to answer what is the
>                 phone's CPU, or what is 
>                 >         the
>                 >         dev/deployment env for 3rd party SW (after
>                 he agreed that it
>                 >         would run
>                 >         3rd party SW):
>                 >
> .
>                 >         Spring claimed it was because I'm not a
>                 customer. My reply
>                 >         includes
>                 >         several other long-overdue criticisms
>                 explaining why I'll 
>                 >         never send a
>                 >         penny to Spring. Because he is a terrible
>                 businessperson, and
>                 >         probably a
>                 >         crook. And asking if anyone had ever bought
>                 anything from him,
>                 >         and had 
>                 >         anything good to say. Even this "Jamal from
>                 Canada" Spring
>                 >         claims bought
>                 >         some equipment from him in China hasn't
>                 materialized on the
>                 >         list to say 
>                 >         anything. He probably doesn't exist, except
>                 in lies from
>                 >         Spring.
>                 >
>                 >                I don't need to see any more. Spring
>                 is a liar. He's a
>                 >         terrible
>                 >         businessperson. He seems to represent
>                 exactly the kind of
>                 >         Chinese
>                 >         electronics dealer that is the grain of
>                 truth in the
>                 >         stereotype that
>                 >         they're crooks, with nothing but contempt
>                 for us, their 
>                 >         English speaking
>                 >         "market". I wish other, honest, Chinese
>                 businesspeople would
>                 >         police
>                 >         these people. China isn't unique in its
>                 mixed reputation for 
>                 >         corrupt
>                 >         business, nor in the actually corrupt
>                 business that the
>                 >         reputation is
>                 >         based on. But it is the largest, and
>                 probably the most
>                 >         reputable for 
>                 >         that corruption (maybe after Nigeria
>                 overall, but in
>                 >         electronics it's
>                 >         #1). China is setting itself up to be the
>                 world's factory. But
>                 >         business
>                 >         has to be more than an ad for cheap goods
>                 before I do business 
>                 >         with it.
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >         On Mon, 2007-07-23 at 15:37 +0800, Andy
>                 Spring wrote:
>                 >         >
>                 >         > Sergey,
>                 >         >
>                 >         > I think maybe you are a Chinese person, I
>                 have some words to 
>                 >         let you
>                 >         > know also everyone in the list.
>                 >         > 老兄你可能搞错了,我之前发给你的是视频电话
>                 的资料,我是一个中
>                 >         间商,这没
>                 >         > 必要向你隐瞒,但那也不是华为的产品啊,而我
>                 现在在推我们另一款
>                 >         带有WIFI功 
>                 >         > 能的网络话机,我不知道你在LIST里面说那些话
>                 是什么意思。
>                 >         >
>                 >         > If you are not not Chinese, ok, I will let
>                 you know in
>                 >         english, I
>                 >         > think you have made a mistake, the product
>                 I sent you before 
>                 >         is
>                 >         > videophone not Voip phone with wifi and
>                 gsm, now I am put
>                 >         sale our new
>                 >         > item which is wireless Voip phone not
>                 videophone that I sent
>                 >         you 
>                 >         > before, I do not know what is your meaning
>                 you said in the
>                 >         list
>                 >         >
>                 >         >
>                 >         >
>                 >         > 2007/7/23, Sergey < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>                 >         >         Hello, Andy.
>                 >         >
>                 >         >         You wrote 21.07.2007, 17:39:23:
>                 >         >
>                 >         >         > I can post the details here, I
>                 thought before, if 
>                 >         not
>                 >         >         everyone
>                 >         >         > isinterested in our Wifi & GSM
>                 phone, so no need
>                 >         to post
>                 >         >         here,
>                 >         >         > because some people will think I
>                 am posting spam 
>                 >         and rubbish
>                 >         >         here
>                 >         >         > and will scold me. So I can only
>                 send the details
>                 >         to whom
>                 >         >         with interest.
>                 >         >         > 
>                 >         >         >  Sergey, are you sure, our Wifi
>                 and GSM voip phone
>                 >         is Huawei
>                 >         >         > Viewpoint 8220? have you tested
>                 our sample?? NOT !
>                 >         so please 
>                 >         >         do not
>                 >         >         > say any unreason words.
>                 >         >
>                 >         >         Please read carefully. Some time
>                 ago i requested
>                 >         info from you 
>                 >         >         about
>                 >         >         your SIP video phone, and you
>                 provided me PDF which
>                 >         contains
>                 >         >         info
>                 >         >         about Huawei Viewpoint 8220,
>                 although you claimed it 
>                 >         is your
>                 >         >         own
>                 >         >         development.
>                 >         >
>                 >         >         Dear list, here are some proof:
>                 >         >
>                 >         >         Our small thread with Andy: 
>                 >         >
>                 >         >         Andy's PDF:
>                 >         >
>                 >         >         Huawei 8220: 
>                 >         >
>                 >
>                 >         >
>                 >         >         Andy, can you show us your site?
>                 or at least some
>                 >         photos of
>                 >         >         your
>                 >         >         products? no? why?
>                 >         > 
>                 >         >         > This item of our new product is
>                 different
>                 >         >         > Huawei Viewpoint 8220 also
>                 different Nokia, it's
>                 >         line is
>                 >         >         with 
>                 >         >         > interenet and with a very low
>                 rate. Yes, maybe the
>                 >         machine
>                 >         >         is a
>                 >         >         > little higher but the rate is
>                 very cheap, it can 
>                 >         only work
>                 >         >         with
>                 >         >         > internet, and it is worth it.
>                 Again, Sergey, if
>                 >         you have no
>                 >         >         intend
>                 >         >         > to buy any product here in this
>                 list, please 
>                 >         kindly do not
>                 >         >         ask
>                 >         >         > anyone to waste their timeto
>                 send information to
>                 >         you.
>                 >         >         >
>                 >         >         > 
>                 >         >         > JR-DW1 One Page Specification
>                 >         >         ...
>                 >         >         <snip>
>                 >         >         ...
>                 >         >
>                 >         >
>                 >         > 
>                 >         >         --
>                 >         >         Best regards,
>                 >         >
>                 Sergey                          mailto:
>                 >         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                 >         > 
>                 >         >
>                 >         >
>                 _______________________________________________
>                 >         >         --Bandwidth and Colocation
>                 Provided by
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>                 >         > --
>                 >         > andy
>                 >         > [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                 >         >
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>                 >         (C) Matthew Rubenstein
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 > --
>                 > andy
>                 > [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                 --
>                 (C) Matthew Rubenstein
>         -- 
>         andy
>         [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> -- 
> andy

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