On Sun, 2009-08-16 at 03:46 -0400, Alex Balashov wrote:
> What about ISPs and bandwidth on consumer-grade broadband connections?
> There is not a chance in hell that broadband could be offered at 
> anywhere near current price points if packet traffic couldn't be 
> oversubscribed thousands of percent. 

contention rates are part of telephone stuff too.  If you have physical
channels you will oversell that to some degree.  How much is based on
how much your customers will tolerate an inability to place a call.  

I am not quite sure what this is in reference to, if its about business
models, that is certainly a valid one.  I think it only becomes
deceptive if you advertise that you can do 109435213953195319513
gigabits per second and only have circuits that allow 56k.

ISPs generally illustrate the point about this that I was making earlier
in a better way.  You have some customers that will only check
occasional email, maybe goto a couple of websites a day.  You have
others that are playing games using massive amounts of bandwidth,
streaming audio, using VoIP, and all the other things that are more
bandwidth intensive.  You profit a lot on the ones that do very little,
and break even maybe lose a bit on the "power users".  If you market
your services well you try to capture demographics that will be the ones
that use very little (perhaps elderly people who make few calls).  In
essence the elderly people will subsidize the teenagers who are talking
all the time.

So hit up AARP and get a partnership with them, maybe the VFW as well.  
Trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com     Bret McDanel
pgp key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8AE5C721

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