>>> There are still markets (especially in the UK) that want to make cheaper 
>>> international calls than available by dialling normally.


  Have they discovered WhatsApp free calling?






From: asterisk-biz <asterisk-biz-boun...@lists.digium.com> On Behalf Of Daniel 
Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2019 10:22 AM
To: Commercial and Business-Oriented Asterisk Discussion 
Subject: Re: [asterisk-biz] Asterisk Calling Card Solutions


> I don’t mean to post an unhelpful tangent or be flippant or dismissive of 
> your question.

> ... it’s just that my powers of comprehension are no match for the notion 
> that calling cards are still a thing in 2019, in any market. How?!

> No, I mean, I intellectually know this, just as I know that US TFNs and 
> geographic DIDs + RCF are still a thing. I just don’t get it. It’s good that 
> I’m not in charge of figuring out what is marketable, because I freely 
> confess I am just stupefied.


There are still markets (especially in the UK) that want to make cheaper 
international calls than available by dialling normally.

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