Comments in line ...

On Sat, Jul 8, 2023 at 4:24 PM <> wrote:

> Hi, Geroge,
>      Just had a chance to look at this this afternoon. The instructions
> for the dynamic doc generation definitely made my head hurt a little
> bit, but I have a few thoughts after putzing around a little bit.

Your head should be much better now. :)

> My initial thought was that some of the make targets in the Makefile
> could be split up a little bit. The version-dynamic target both
> downloads documentation source and does the actual build of the
> documentation. They could be split into different targets:
>   * In my case, I don't want to download the upstream Asterisk
>     documentation, I want to use the local core-en-us.xml, which is a
>     superset of the documentation available upstream.

Uhm are you sure??   The core XML document generated during a build doesn't
have the xinclude references de-referenced.  I'd be interested to know what
you're seeing.

>   * Since I'm not downloading the docs, I don't think I need the "gh"
>     tool, and so it doesn't need to be installed for purely generating
>     documentation. (Also, could be documented as a pre-req, if doing the
>     download step)

There are now facilities in the Makefile to get the dynamic sources from
local system.   In that case, gh is not required.  Details in the README.

> Then again, when you boil it down to that, it seems like it really comes
> down to just:
>   * utils/
>   * mike deploy
> So it seems I'm better off avoiding the makefile and just running the
> individual commands needed. I'll end up wrapping it in a script anyways,
> but just wondering if there's anything else about the process here I've
> missed that wouldn't be conducive to that?

You don't need to avoid the Makefile.  You can specify where to get the
dynamic sources from and which branches to build.  Details in the README.

> In particular, it doesn't seem that finagling with Git repositories is
> necessary at all to build the dynamic docs. I was able to get it to work
> with just this:

No more git repo finagling.

> git clone --depth 1
> cd documentation
> pip3 install -r requirements.txt
> mv docs/favicon.ico docs/ .
> rm -rf docs/*
> mv favicon.ico docs
> utils/
> --file=/usr/src/asterisk-20.3.0/doc/core-en_US.xml
> --xslt=utils/astxml2markdown.xslt --directory=docs/ --branch=20
> --version=20.3.0
> mike deploy -F mkdocs.yml 20
> rm -rf /var/www/html/asterisk && mv site /var/www/html/asterisk
> cd .. && rm -rf documentation
> It seems to work really well. There were just a couple surprises or
> annoying aspects:
>   * Even with --depth 1, the documentation repo takes a hot minute to
>     clone, due to all the large PDF artifacts in it, though a tarball of
>     the repo wouldn't help either if it came with all the static
>     artifacts anyways. Could probably work around that by cloning it
>     using svn instead of git, but I was too lazy to do that today.

No longer needed.

>   * For just turning markdown into HTML, mike is pretty slow, it takes
>     over half a minute just for the dynamic docs (compared to ~1 second
>     for my previous method, though that was from the original XML to
>     HTML, not from intermediate markdown)

mike has bene eliminated.

>   * Most significantly, the webpages are *huge*. Even just the dynamic
>     docs are a whopping 228 MB. On average, a documentation page is
>     almost 250 KB (compared to 1.2 MB the old way for all the
>     applications, functions, AMI/AGI, and configs on a single webpage -
>     granted it's not a fair comparison since the menu and what not isn't
>     repeated that way). Taking a look at the page source of an
>     application[1], much of the page is whitespace. I know that docs
>     hosted on GitHub don't need to worry about disk consumption, but for
>     folks building the docs themselves, I think it might be worth trying
>     to clean this a little bit. Bloated webpages are obviously also
>     going to be slower to load as well.

File sizes have been significantly reduced by updating mkdocs and using the
new navigation.prune option.  I tried removing all of the extra whitespace
but after the prune option was applied it made very little difference
overall.  We can keep looking at it.

> I haven't yet figured out what's introducing all the extraneous
> whitespace. The markdown files seem okay, but things seem to blow up
> somewhere in the middle. Ideally we could prevent it from happening in
> the first place, but if not, then maybe some fancy recursive
> post-processing could strip it all out.
> [1]
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