It would be awesome to have incoming DTMF work with
Iconnecthere.  Has this functionality been added to
Asterisk?  If yes, does anyone have a working config
to share?

Thanks a bunch,


--- Matthew Farley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I now have (most) of the bugs worked out of my
> SIP-only asterisk
> installation, but one fairly serious issue remains.
> I am using the
> dtmfmode=inband in both my general area as well as
> the
> extension-specific area (for iconnect) in sip.conf,
> but only DTMF only
> works on calls placed out through iconnect to the
> PSTN. DTMF tones
> coming from the PSTN into asterisk through iconnect
> are not recognized.
> Does anyone have a working setup where they dial
> into asterisk via
> iconnect (from a PSTN phone) with DTMF working? Any
> suggestions as to
> how I can get this to work would be greatly
> appreciated. I would really
> like folks to be able to dial into this system from
> outside to check
> voice mail and such, but without DTMF recognition on
> those calls, I see
> no way to accomplish this.
> Thanks! 
> -- 
> Matthew Farley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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