>>Also, it isn't very easy to 'test' either, as the staff at the 911 call
>>centre won't appreciate your testing, and at least in Australia, it is
>> some
>>sort of criminal<?>/illegal offence to call emergency for non-emergency
> I had much the same thoughts. Currently my 911 code is just commented out
> for that very reason - I don't want to get in trouble for accidentally
> making 911 calls to test it. Should I rely on that code untested for when
> it is really needed most ? What are other people doing ?

In my experience, most 911 operators will say "thank you", hang up, and go
about their business if you tell them as soon as they answer the phone
that "This is a telephone system test call to ensure 911 operation".  Most
of all, don't hang up on them when they answer or you'll have a patrol car
sitting at your place soon after.

As long as you don't call them every 10 minutes, it shouldn't be a problem.

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