make a context for l/d dialing and include it for the phones / times of day, when it is actually supposed to be used, not otherwise.

At 09:52 AM 6/24/2003 -0600, you wrote:
That would be the case if calls are dropped at random to clear the way for 911 calls. With some form of access control (NCOS, Calling Search Space/Partitions, priority levels) you would be able to drop the least important calls.

BTW, how are trunk restrictions managed right now? How can I specify which phones/extensions can make local, long distance or international calls? Can this be controlled by a time-of-day schedule, to change restrictions after regular business hours (cleaning crew calling LD)?


Chris Witte wrote:

You risk hanging up on your other 911 callers... but everything is always a tradeoff.

In my experience, the 911 dispatcher can (does) pin the call, so that even though the remote side hangs up, the line is not available for use again until the dispatcher releases it. I'd expect this to mean that the proposed "hangup" would end up with the 911 operator transferred from caller->caller->caller if asterisk were configured to re-use a line for a new outbound 911 call...


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