On Fri, 2003-06-27 at 02:13, Dan wrote:
> > Why is it that most users who don't understand threaded email is on
> > Windows systems.
> What do you mean by that Steven?
> If the mail list application cannot handle the threads in an intelligent
> way, it is our fault??

Its not the mailing list application's job to handle clients with poor
behaviour.  There are windows based email clients that still put
In-Reply-To: headers even when the user thinks they are starting a new

There are also several people Unix/Windows, doesn't matter, who just hit
reply and ask a different question than the thread because its easier
than starting a new email.

> They are a couple of people on this list who prefer to give such kind of
> answers and not to give a real help when needed.
> I have a lot of questions posted on this list and nobody from the 'Asterisk
> parents' does not even tried to give me an answer..... If this is a reserved
> list only for "elites" and Asterisk experts then please told us to try to
> find another place for help....

This is the asterisk community mailing list, this is not the Digium
corporate tech support mailing list.  If you expect Digium (Asterisk
parents) to provide you official tech support on this list, then you are
misguided.  Digium's primary and as far as I know ONLY official tech
support methods are Telephone and direct email.

Please see the URL http://www.digium.com/index.php?menu=software_support
which states in part:

"Digium is committed to supportings its hardware and software products.
While the Asterisk mailing list and IRC channel can be helpful for many
people, Digium also provides professional support services for Asterisk
from the people who brought you the software in the first place."

Digium's professional support is listed as an alternative to the mailing
list and irc channel.  You appear to be expecting official and
professional support from a community list.

> How can you say that Asterisk is the best PBX available on the market as
> even some minor problems cannot be solved. To talk only about a couple of
> them:
> - annoying echo when X100P card is used
> - very limited CallerID functionality on X100P.
> If X100P is supported only in USA, why it is sold in Europe too??
> Why to pay $100 for a card who does not perform as expected?

Did you call or email Digium direct and express your concerns before you
purchased the product in order to make an informed purchase?

> In the flyer coming with it (in particular just a piece of paper who pretend
> to be the "User Manual")
> is specified that the installation support is included in the card price.
> Really?

If the paper is the same as their website it goes on to say:

When you have completed the check list, just e-mail us a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or call us toll free at 877-LINUX-ME (877-546-8963).

It doesn't say anything about emailing this mailing list for the free
support for purchased items.  And the information is directly available
on their site, did you even bother to read it or just decide it was
easier to gripe here?

> I just want to see that. I just want to know where my money are.
> You must take into consideration that on this list they are many peoples
> from not so rich countries like yours. In my country, the medium salary is
> just $100/month, so exactly as I have to pay for your little card (not
> taking into consideration the extra $40 for transport and duty taxes)...

I guess you could go buy a Nortel or Comdial system then if that would
be cheaper over there, but I think you'd find it isn't.

> I buy an excellent USB voice modem, with Linux support, in a beautiful box,
> with a detailed user manual in several languages and a CD with all available
> drivers for less than $25 (retail).
> Why this is not possible with the Digium products too? I do not refer here
> at the product price.

Volume.  Digium's volume right now is low, so their cost of production
and overhead is high.  The sellers of that USB voice modem most likely
are producing the unit in volume and can afford to sell it cheaper.

> I understand the effort to develop the application and that the price of
> this is included in the hardware, but it was really nice to have a good user
> manual and maybe a CD containing the latest version if Asterisk and all
> other required drivers and modules.
> It is so hard to do it?

The CD is obsolete before its pressed.

> I'm very disappointed... It is a really nice and useful product, but... this
> is all....
> Dan

Maybe its just a language issue, but I'm disappointed with your attitude
as well, you come off sounding extremely rude to the community list of
people who for the most part don't work for digium, and provide whatever
support they can on their own companies dime or on their own time out of
the goodness of their hearts.  You also seem to ignore digium's website
which is the authorative source of information on how to receive
official support.

*DISCLAIMER*  My views are my own, they are not Digium's and other than
being a satisfied customer I have no affiliation with them.

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