a stupid question...
have you started the key from the private keys by issuing
"init keys" on the console ?


Il gio, 2003-07-03 alle 14:46, Anton Yurchenko ha scritto:
> Mark Spencer wrote:
> >Looks as though there may be a problem with RSA key authentication and
> >switch for some reason...  Does it behave different with either no
> >authentication, or password authentication?
> >
> >Mark
> >
> >  
> >
> you are right, it is a rsa authentication problem. with other 
> authentications it work fine. I have 2 keys one named hurricane and 
> other named test. the hurricane.pub is on "phila" server and the 
> hurricane.key isn on the hurricane server, the other way is for key "test".
> here is what I have in my Iax.conf on server hurricane now:
> [phila]
> type=friend
> host=
> secret=phila
> ;trunk=yes            ; Use IAX2 trunking with this host
> context=default
> auth=rsa
> inkeys=test
> outkeys=hurricane
> and on host phila:
> [hurricane]
> type=friend
> host=
> ; trunk=yes           ; Use IAX2 trunking with this host
> context=default
> auth=rsa
> inkeys=hurricane
> outkeys=test
> and in extensions.conf on hurricane I have:
> switch => IAX/hurricane:[hurricane]@/
> and thease are the errors I get when I try to dial from the phone that 
> is registered on hurricane:
>     -- Calling TBD using options 
> 'exten=TBD;context=default;username=hurricane;formats=65535;capability=65535;version=1'
> NOTICE[4101]: File chan_iax.c, Line 2822 (authenticate): No way to send secret to 
> peer '' (their methods: rsa)
> WARNING[4101]: File chan_iax.c, Line 3838 (socket_read): I don't know how to 
> authenticate methods=rsa;challenge=197882626;username=hurricane to
> WARNING[6151]: File chan_iax.c, Line 4920 (find_cache): Timeout waiting for 
> hurricane:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/default exten 200
> and the 404 on the sip phone of course.
> BTW what are the differences between the IAX and IAX2? and the meaning 
> of trunk=yes option for IAX2? does both sides have to have a zaptel 
> device ?
> and while i`m at asking you questions is iaxtel.com ?
> thanks a lot for you work, * is  the best!!!!
> >  
> >
> >
> >  
> >

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