astman or gastman would tell you this info.  And yes we us it in
production right now.  Works better than anything we have had previously.


On Wed, 20 Aug 2003, Ernest W. Lessenger wrote:

> At 10:42 AM 8/20/2003 -0500, you wrote:
> >I've literally read the last year's worth of posts to
> >asterisk-users to get a "feel" for the situation.  Since you
> >don't see posts of the form "installed it, just working, no
> >problems" very often, you could get the opinion that everyone has
> >problems since that is what the mailing list is for.
> >
> >So, I would like to hear from those out there that have a system
> >as I've described above and tell me if I'm insane to commit this
> >direction or whether it makes sense.
> >
> >For those of you who have done it, how much time did it take you
> >to get the system running smoothly?
> I'm in almost the same situation as you. However, I'm mostly worried that
> the customer service desk here will start to complain that they can't tell
> how many calls are in the queue any more (our current phone tells us how
> many calls are ringing, on hold, etc). Regardless, I'm very interested to
> hear your results as well as what others on the list say, and would like to
> stay in touch with you if you decide to move forward with Asterisk.
> Thanks,
> --Ernest
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