I am trying to use festival (latest version 1.4.3)
I have downloaded all the files needed and patched it with the provided
festival does work and does tts fine.
but when I call Festival either from an extention or an AGI script, I get
this in my asterisk messages log, but no sound on the channels (H323 or SIP)
- they (the clients) just say "trying" and then hangup...

Sep 24 23:05:32 WARNING[606231]: File app_festival.c, Line 304
(festival_exec): Text passed to festival server : Hello 1010
Sep 24 23:05:32 WARNING[606231]: File app_festival.c, Line 381
(festival_exec): Passing text to festival...
Sep 24 23:05:32 WARNING[606231]: File app_festival.c, Line 400
(festival_exec): Passing data to channel...
Sep 24 23:05:33 WARNING[606231]: File app_festival.c, Line 410
(festival_exec): Festival WV command

Any ideas?

Bryan Nolen
Lead Developer

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