On Sunday 09 October 2005 11:36, Matt Riddell wrote:

[ issues with Asterisk development ]
> But why couldn't it have been brought into the public forum and discussed?

It has been.  Over, and Over, and Over again.  On here, on -dev and on IRC.  
Many times.

[openpbx design changes]
> Hmmm I don't know.  I have heard rumours of things like ./configure which
> would be really nice if they were in Asterisk.

Yes there are many things that would be nice to get into Asterisk.  It's been 
rumoured that ./configure will never be in Asterisk, and if that's a 
dealbreaker, then yeah...  I guess you're screwed.  My personal opinion is 
that all the little shitty things in Asterisk need to take priority to 
newfangled hoo-hah.  CVS HEAD development needs to center around fixing the 
bugs and inconsistencies and THEN go back to features.  It'll never happen, 
though.  :-(

branching for 1.2 and doing it there isn't good enough, IMO.  There needs to 
be a long, boring time of development where the odd shit gets squashed by the 
core smart people.

> Indeed.  Coupled with a bad day, it's incredibly sad.  But I'm sure as time
> passes on, the wounds will be healed and as someone else stated, code will
> begin to flow in both directions.  After all there will be no easier
> platform to port code between than another Asterisk-based system.


> Agreed.  It's nice to have a measured rather than inflammatory post on the
> subject (I say this full well knowing I have been flaming for the past
> hour), as it acts to slightly dampen the situation and allows all to view
> it in a more measured manner.

:-)  A little flame now and again is good for the soul.  It lets people know 
that you're passionate about the subject. 

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