On Wed, January 11, 2006 7:52, scott said:
> Hi All
> Apologises if this has been disussed and I missed it.
> My SetUp
> I have a sip phone registered to an asterisk box (a1) in one location 1.
> This phone dials an extension which is in another location, so a1  passes
> the call via IAX to the other asterisk (a2) in location 2 which then dials
> the local phone.
> My Problem
> The caller ID setup in the sip.conf for the phone registered to a1 is not
> passed via the IAX to a2 and is therefor not being displayed on the phone
> in location2. The only way I can get the phone in location2 to display the
> caller ID is to set the callerid in the user part in the iax.conf on a2.
> Hope this makes sense
> Many thanks

It sure does, as I am examining exactly the same issue for my set up...

F Peeters
  PIII 450 - 1 GB - * 1.2 - BRIstuff 0.3.0 Pre 1 - Florz patch
  2 Sweex HFC-PCI modes=2 sync_slave=2 timer_card=0
    Cologne HFC-S pins #52, #54, #55 connected in parallel for synching.
  AMD Duron 1GHz - 1GB - * 1.2.1
  2 Sweex HFC-PCI cards
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