Hello all, 

I have two test beds running the exact same version of asterisk,
latest of zaptel, libpri, etc.. 

Test bed #1 (Solaris 9,sparc ultra 5):
This one is closer to a "production" machine, in that it is connected to a
sip provider thru an iax2 connection and have an incoming DID configured. I
can send and receive calls.

Test bed #2 (Slackware Linux 10.2, AMD XP chip):
This is what I will eventually move over to since it is supported more. This
machine is on a different network and not connected to the other test bed at

What I found is that on test bed #2, I have 18 processes of asterisk running
with absolutely no soft-phones connected to it, and 2 processes of mpg123 on
hold music running.

        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/src# ps -aef |grep asterisk |wc -l
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/src#
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/src# uptime
        08:57:55 up 2 days,  6:12,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

On Test bed #1, I have exactly 1 process of asterisk running with no phones
connected to it.

        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> ps -aef |grep asterisk |wc -l
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~>

        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> uptime
        8:57am  up 6 day(s),  8:19,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.01

Nothing earth shattering, but strange. I assuming that 1 process at idle (no
phones making calls and such) should be "normal" right?


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