T.S wrote:
Hello all,
I have two test beds running the exact same version of asterisk,
latest of zaptel, libpri, etc..

Test bed #1 (Solaris 9,sparc ultra 5):
This one is closer to a "production" machine, in that it is connected to a
sip provider thru an iax2 connection and have an incoming DID configured. I
can send and receive calls.

Test bed #2 (Slackware Linux 10.2, AMD XP chip):
This is what I will eventually move over to since it is supported more. This
machine is on a different network and not connected to the other test bed at

What I found is that on test bed #2, I have 18 processes of asterisk running
with absolutely no soft-phones connected to it, and 2 processes of mpg123 on
hold music running.

        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/src# ps -aef |grep asterisk |wc -l
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/src#
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/src# uptime
        08:57:55 up 2 days,  6:12,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

On Test bed #1, I have exactly 1 process of asterisk running with no phones
connected to it.

        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> ps -aef |grep asterisk |wc -l
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~>

        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> uptime
        8:57am  up 6 day(s),  8:19,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.01

Nothing earth shattering, but strange. I assuming that 1 process at idle (no
phones making calls and such) should be "normal" right?


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This has been discussed a lot, in fact someone brought it up lastnight on the #asterisk IRC channel.

Depending on a few factors your system will either show threads as other processes, or not at all. So essentially on some systems more then one Asterisk process will show up, and on others only one. As long as your Asterisk is running happily - then it's fine, multiple threads are started.

Joshua Colp
Software Developer
P - 256-428-6066
C - 506-878-0147
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