Ok here is a question that has gotten me stumped.  I have an Asterisk system up and running.  I need to connect it via the Internet to a Sip Cisco system.  This is what they have.  I have there IP address's and login. X-lite is able to connect to them and make a call! So I have the name right!
CISCO router model: 2621
VoIP module: NM-HDA-4FXS
I have done Google lookup and at the Wiki about this.  What I did get is the following from them.  Following in the SIP.CONF file.
This does not seem to work.
I have also tried at the extensions.conf a setting of.
exten => 380,1,Dial(SIP/[EMAIL PROTECTED])
I feel I have missed something some place or I just don't understand what to do! 

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