On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 10:42:02AM -0500, Glenn Dalgliesh wrote:
> Symptom: Phone after about 15mins will stop functioning 
> Problem: DHCP lease renewed but default route dropped
> Fix: Assign a static ip and problem is resolved. Upgrade to new firmware once it is 
> released
> It turn's out that these phones have a few issue in
> firmware. The phone may stop transmitting packets if configured with
> DHCP, if DHCP is being provided by certain devices. Netopia routers
> have been confirmed in this category. It turns out that there is
> some differences btw the implementation of DHCP btw different vendor
> and this is causing the phone to loose it default route and stop
> transmitting packets approx 15mins after the phone receives it's
> lease after reboot. GrandStream says this will be fixed in the next
> release. 

Interesting. We have 6 GS phones, one is and has this
behaviour, the others, are ok. The DHCP server is Linux

In a remote office, they have an Allied Telesyn router providing DHCP,
and all the phones, no matter the version, work well.

On a slightly different topic : does somebody know of a NAT-friendly
(as Grandstream means it) tftpd server ? It seems theirs replies from
port 69, which is the only thing their phones will accept.

[ If anybody wants it, I can send the firmware by email ].
Nicolas Bougues
Axialys Interactive
Asterisk-Users mailing list

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