On Sat, Dec 06, 2003 at 04:35:55PM -0000, David J Carter wrote:
> Hi Nicolas,
> Thanks for the file.
> I would appear to have some of the file missing that the BT-100 is looking
> for.
> Ala,  cfg.txt
>       sipp.bin
>       ring.bin
> After the tftp update the program is still showing
> Any thoughts.

The problem is, as I stated in an earlier email, that the TFTP client
in the GS phone is somewhat odd, and will only accept files from "NAT
enabled" TFTP server. As far as I can see, the TFTP server shall send
the data from its port 69, which is not what the normal ones do. I'm
not sure whether this is RFC compliant.

So yes, I have the FW files, but I have no way to have the
phone download them !

I'll try to hack a "NAT friendly" tftp server on monday.

Nicolas Bougues
Axialys Interactive
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