about GotoIfTime you have:

>show application GotoIfTime
-= Info about application 'GotoIfTime' =-
Conditional goto on current time
If the current time matches the specified time, then branch to the specified extension. Each of the elements may be specified either as '*' (for always) or as a range. See the include syntax.

and it have to be something like that:

exten => 111,1,GotoIfTime(08:00:00-14:00:00,*,*,*?extension_1,1,1)
exten => 111,2,GotoIfTime(14:00:01-23:00:00,*,*,*?extension_1,101,1)
exten => 111,3,Hangup

exten => 1,1,Dial(${Person1})
exten => 1,2,Hangup

exten => 101,1,Dial(${Person2})
exten => 101,2,Hangup


Osvaldo Mundim wrote:
Hey All,

I need to forward an extension to an other depending on the current time but I could not get it done with GotoIfTime.

What I'm trying to do is ring on the extension 1 if time is between 8:00AM and 2:00PM and on extension 2 if is between
2:01PM 11:00PM.

exten => 111,1,GotoIfTime(8:00-14:00|*|*|1-12?333)
exten => 111,2,Dial(${Person1})
exten => 111,3,Dial(Hangup)

exten => 333,1,Dial(${Person2})
exten => 333,2,Dial(Hangup)

When I ring on the extension 111, the call is not being forward to the extension 333..

And the extensions are all in the same context.


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