All right...

Its working now.

thank you very much!

On Dec 19, 2003, at 3:02 PM, Philipp von Klitzing wrote:


gotoif usually takes a priority as label, not an extension! See below.
Never tried if you can also use the notation "context,extension,priority"
instead of just "priority", but it might work. Just try it.

I need to forward an extension to an other depending on the current
time but I could not get it done with GotoIfTime.

What I'm trying to do is ring on the extension 1 if time is between
8:00AM and 2:00PM and on extension 2 if is between
2:01PM 11:00PM.

exten => 111,1,GotoIfTime(8:00-14:00|*|*|1-12?333)
exten => 111,2,Dial(${Person1})
exten => 111,3,Dial(Hangup)

exten => 333,1,Dial(${Person2})
exten => 333,2,Dial(Hangup)

exten => 111,1,GotoIfTime(8:00-14:00|*|*|1-12?4:2) exten => 111,2,Dial(${Person1}) exten => 111,3,Dial(Hangup) exten => 111,4,Goto(default,333,1)

exten => 333,1,Dial(${Person2})
exten => 333,2,Dial(Hangup)

Note: If you use goto() or gotoif() with just one label then you'll see a
warning in /var/log/asterisk/messages about the 2nd label missing. That's
why I prefer to always specify both labels.

Cheers, Philipp

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