You say "The server crashes"  I assume you mean that Asterisk
core dumps and sendmail continues to run just fine.  If you
can send mail out of the box sendmail is confgured well
enough and I doubt the problem is there.

If you can get Asterisk to dump then what you need to do is
use a debugger to get a backtrace.  This will tell to the
line (as i line of coe) that caused the crash.  The thing to
remember to that if a program crashed it is due to t bug..
There _should_ be no way for a user through misconfiguration
to cause a core dump.  What you are looking for is a little
bit od C cde that doesn't handle some condition well.  If yu
use "gdb" and the "bt" commad you can find the line 
Asterisk was executing when it crashed.

I'd not suspect sendmail 

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having some * and sendmail integration problems, probably because
> i don't know too much about sendmail.  My server crashes when I
> forward voicemail from one * voicemail box to another, everything
> else works.  E-mail notification works on all boxes when new mail
> arives, the problem only seems to occur during this forwarding
> function.  It's a difficult problem to troubleshoot.  If I start *
> -gc, the server doesn't crash, just hangs up for about 60 seconds
> then completes the task, so i can't seem to get a core dump to dive
> into the specifics of what's going on.  I'm not sure how to debug
> sendmail to look at that side.  If someone would be kind enough to
> e-mail me some sample files, I may be able to see if I'm
> not configure properly.  I've been reading the site but
> this application is really archain and difficult for me to understand
> enough to fix it myself.  Thanks in advance.
> JR
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